Maxwell Youth Group consists between 6-8 youth with two youth leaders. We meet every 2nd Sunday for a meal (Physical & Spiritual), devotional discussion, and fun activity from 5:15 – 7 PM. Every 4th Sunday, an outing at various locations is planned.
As youth leaders, the goal is to apply the following: To engage our Community youth in a relationship with God; to equip them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ; and to enjoy and share God’s love.
We believe God has called us, in partnership with parents, to:
• INVEST in the next generation of young people in significant ways • INSTRUCT them in the core doctrines and disciplines of the Christian faith along with principles for living healthy, wise and productive lives • INSPIRE them by our example and challenge them to take faith-filled risks • IGNITE them with a passion for Jesus Christ, a love for the lost, a commitment to the local church, and finally, to launch them into the world prepared for life, for relationships, for service, and for leadership.